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Netlify CLI env command


Control environment variables for the current site


Terminal window
netlify env


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in
env:cloneClone environment variables from one site to another
env:getGet resolved value of specified environment variable (includes netlify.toml)
env:importImport and set environment variables from .env file
env:listLists resolved environment variables for site (includes netlify.toml)
env:setSet value of environment variable
env:unsetUnset an environment variable which removes it from the UI


Terminal window
netlify env:list
netlify env:get VAR_NAME
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value
netlify env:unset VAR_NAME
netlify env:import fileName
netlify env:clone --to <to-site-id>


Clone environment variables from one site to another


Terminal window
netlify env:clone


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • force (boolean) - Bypasses prompts & Force the command to run.
  • from (string) - Site ID (From)
  • to (string) - Site ID (To)
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in


Terminal window
netlify env:clone --to <to-site-id>
netlify env:clone --to <to-site-id> --from <from-site-id>


Get resolved value of specified environment variable (includes netlify.toml)


Terminal window
netlify env:get


  • name - Environment variable name


  • context (string) - Specify a deploy context or branch (contexts: “production”, “deploy-preview”, “branch-deploy”, “dev”)
  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • json (boolean) - Output environment variables as JSON
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in
  • scope (builds | functions | post-processing | runtime | any) - Specify a scope


Terminal window
netlify env:get MY_VAR # get value for MY_VAR in dev context
netlify env:get MY_VAR --context production
netlify env:get MY_VAR --context branch:staging
netlify env:get MY_VAR --scope functions


Import and set environment variables from .env file


Terminal window
netlify env:import


  • fileName - .env file to import


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • json (boolean) - Output environment variables as JSON
  • replace-existing (boolean) - Replace all existing variables instead of merging them with the current ones
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in


Lists resolved environment variables for site (includes netlify.toml)


Terminal window
netlify env:list


  • context (string) - Specify a deploy context or branch (contexts: “production”, “deploy-preview”, “branch-deploy”, “dev”)
  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • json (boolean) - Output environment variables as JSON
  • scope (builds | functions | post-processing | runtime | any) - Specify a scope
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in
  • plain (boolean) - Output environment variables as plaintext


Terminal window
netlify env:list # list variables with values in the dev context and with any scope
netlify env:list --context production
netlify env:list --context branch:staging
netlify env:list --scope functions
netlify env:list --plain


Set value of environment variable


Terminal window
netlify env:set


  • key - Environment variable key
  • value - Value to set to


  • context (string) - Specify a deploy context or branch (contexts: “production”, “deploy-preview”, “branch-deploy”, “dev”) (default: all contexts)
  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • force (boolean) - Bypasses prompts & Force the command to run.
  • json (boolean) - Output environment variables as JSON
  • secret (boolean) - Indicate whether the environment variable value can be read again.
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in
  • scope (builds | functions | post-processing | runtime) - Specify a scope (default: all scopes)


Terminal window
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value # set in all contexts and scopes
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value --context production
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value --context production deploy-preview
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value --context production --secret
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value --scope builds
netlify env:set VAR_NAME value --scope builds functions
netlify env:set VAR_NAME --secret # convert existing variable to secret


Unset an environment variable which removes it from the UI


Terminal window
netlify env:unset


  • key - Environment variable key


  • context (string) - Specify a deploy context or branch (contexts: “production”, “deploy-preview”, “branch-deploy”, “dev”) (default: all contexts)
  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • force (boolean) - Bypasses prompts & Force the command to run.
  • json (boolean) - Output environment variables as JSON
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in


Terminal window
netlify env:unset VAR_NAME # unset in all contexts
netlify env:unset VAR_NAME --context production
netlify env:unset VAR_NAME --context production deploy-preview