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Netlify CLI blobs command


Manage objects in Netlify Blobs


Terminal window
netlify blobs


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
blobs:deleteDeletes an object with a given key, if it exists, from a Netlify Blobs store
blobs:getReads an object with a given key from a Netlify Blobs store and, if it exists, prints the content to the terminal or saves it to a file
blobs:listLists objects in a Netlify Blobs store
blobs:setWrites to a Netlify Blobs store an object with the data provided in the command or the contents of a file defined by the ‘input’ parameter


Terminal window
netlify blobs:get my-store my-key
netlify blobs:set my-store my-key This will go in a blob
netlify blobs:set my-store my-key --input ./some-file.txt
netlify blobs:delete my-store my-key
netlify blobs:list my-store
netlify blobs:list my-store --json


Deletes an object with a given key, if it exists, from a Netlify Blobs store


Terminal window
netlify blobs:delete


  • store - Name of the store
  • key - Object key


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • force (boolean) - Bypasses prompts & Force the command to run.
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information


Reads an object with a given key from a Netlify Blobs store and, if it exists, prints the content to the terminal or saves it to a file


Terminal window
netlify blobs:get


  • store - Name of the store
  • key - Object key


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • output (string) - Defines the filesystem path where the blob data should be persisted
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information


Lists objects in a Netlify Blobs store


Terminal window
netlify blobs:list


  • store - Name of the store


  • directories (boolean) - Indicates that keys with the ’/’ character should be treated as directories, returning a list of sub-directories at a given level rather than all the keys inside them
  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • json (boolean) - Output list contents as JSON
  • prefix (string) - A string for filtering down the entries; when specified, only the entries whose key starts with that prefix are returned
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information


Writes to a Netlify Blobs store an object with the data provided in the command or the contents of a file defined by the ‘input’ parameter


Terminal window
netlify blobs:set


  • store - Name of the store
  • key - Object key
  • value - Object value


  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • force (boolean) - Bypasses prompts & Force the command to run.
  • input (string) - Defines the filesystem path where the blob data should be read from
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information