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Netlify CLI serve command


Build the site for production and serve locally. This does not watch the code for changes, so if you need to rebuild your site then you must exit and run serve again.


Terminal window
netlify serve


  • context (string) - Specify a deploy context or branch for environment variables (contexts: “production”, “deploy-preview”, “branch-deploy”, “dev”)
  • country (string) - Two-letter country code ( to use as mock geolocation (enables —geo=mock automatically)
  • dir (string) - dir with static files
  • filter (string) - For monorepos, specify the name of the application to run the command in
  • functions (string) - specify a functions folder to serve
  • functions-port (string) - port of functions server
  • geo (cache | mock | update) - force geolocation data to be updated, use cached data from the last 24h if found, or use a mock location
  • offline (boolean) - Disables any features that require network access
  • port (string) - port of netlify dev
  • debug (boolean) - Print debugging information
  • auth (string) - Netlify auth token - can be used to run this command without logging in


Terminal window
netlify serve
BROWSER=none netlify serve # disable browser auto opening